Active grants/contracts
Delivery of the CIB2 Gene to the Retina as a Therapy for Dry AMD
Role: PI (Ahmed)
Genetics and Functional Studies of Autosomal Recessive Neurological Disorders”
Role: PI (Riazuddin)
NIDCD/NIH R01 DC012564-01A1
Usher proteins in the inner ear structure and function
Role: PI (Ahmed); Co-investigator (Riazuddin)
NIAMS/NIH R01 AR077563-01A1
Molecular Determinants of Pigmentation (mDoP)
Role: PI (Ahmed); Co-investigator (Riazuddin)
NIDCD/NIH U01 DC013817
Cell type specific transcriptional cascades in Inner ear development
Role: PI (Ahmed)
NIDCD/NIH R01 DC016295-01A1 (NCE)
Molecular Determinants of Usher syndrome disorder in humans
Role: PI (Ahmed); Co-investigator (Riazuddin)
NIDCD/NIH R01 DC0019642-01
Genetic and epigenomic determinants of hearing loss in Hispanic populations”
Co-investigator: Ahmed
NEI/NIH R21 EY032989
AMD-Patient-Derived hiPSC-RPE: Gateway for Assessing Novel and Emerging
Modulators of Autophagy
Role: PI (Ahmed)
Usher1F Collaborative, Foundation
Characterization of Pcdh15 knockin mice”.
Role: PI (Ahmed)
NIDCD/NIH R01 DC016593-01A1
Identification of nonsyndromic hearing impairment genes in Sub-Saharan Africans
Role: Co-investigators (Riazuddin, Ahmed)
NIDCD/NIH R01 DC0003594
Identification of Autosomal Recessive Nonsyndromic Hearing Impairment Genes
Role: Co-investigators (Riazuddin, Ahmed)
NIDCD/NIH R01 DC015004-01
Otitis Media susceptibility and middle ear microbial shifts due to gene variants
Role: Co-investigator (Ahmed)
Deborah Munroe Noonan Memorial Research Fund/O'Brien Trust
Gene Delivery to Prevent Vision Loss in USH1F Animal Model
Role: PI (Ahmed)
NIAMS/NIH 1R56 AR065483
Molecular Genetics of nonsyndromic Oculocutaneous Albinism
Role: PI (Ahmed); Co-investigator (Riazuddin)
NIGMS/NIH 1R01 GM090158-02S1
The regulation and cellular activities of the Arl2 GTPase
Role: Co-investigator (Riazuddin)
NIDCD/NIH R01 DC011748-01
Functional analysis of tricellular tight junctions in hearing and deafness
Role: PI (Riazuddin)
NIDCD/NIH R01 DC011803
Identifying Genes for Non-syndromic Recessive Deafness- A Collaborative Study
Role: PI (Riazuddin); Co-investigator (Ahmed)
Action on Hearing Loss, United Kingdom
Understanding suppression of deafness due to a dominant modifier gene
Role: PI (Riazuddin)
Foundation for Research in Preventing Blindness
Scientific Career Development Award
Role: PI (Ahmed)
NIDCD/NIH K99/R00 DC009287
Molecular Genetics of Usher syndrome type I
Role: PI (Ahmed)